Regenerative, Natural, Heirloom, Local

Hello! We are Kingdom Gardens, a local garden business located in Steven County, Washington.
We are here to help the home gardener live a better, healthier, more regenerative life!

We believe in local, regenerative farming and provide the home gardener with heirloom plants and produce, as well as some information and guidance on how to grow regeneratively in our local, northern climate.

Our mission is to promote freedom and stability through regenerative agriculture in our local community. We aim to do our part in building agricultural community through serving the individual.
To us, you are more than customers; you are our community and we consider it an honor to serve you!

Learn about organic gardening in our local northern climate!

Click a picture to read more!

A Little About Our Plants and Produce

Always Heirloom

Heirloom means that a plant has been open-pollinated through natural means. Heirloom plants are never genetically modified or hybridized, and their seed reproduces true to it’s own kind.
Heirloom plants are known for their superior flavor, nutrition, and sustainability!

Most heirloom varieties have an ancient history, having been passed down and handpicked throughout many generations.

We choose heirlooms for their taste, nutrition, and their regenerative nature.

Always Regenerative

Growing regeneratively is a holistic approach to gardening, farming and land management.
Regenerative practices are not only sustainable and reliable, but also improve soil health, land and animal health, nutrient density in food, and consequently, human health.

Regenerative practices focus on restoring the health of ecological systems by improving soil organic matter, soil biodiversity, and the water cycle. This results in fewer pests, more efficient water use, healthier soil organisms, healthier plants, and overall, healthier food and a healthier environment!

Always Natural

We grow all our plants and produce using natural, regenerative practices.

We never use synthetic or artificial pesticides, fertilizers, substances, or genetically modified organisms in the growth or harvesting process!

We believe natural is the best way to grow healthier plants, healthier farms and healthier people!

Always Local

We believe strongly in local community, local farming and local business.

By focusing together on local agriculture and business we can not only promote stability in tenuous times, but also create a cohesive, thriving culture in our communities and families.

We love the beauty and resilience of our home, Stevens County, and we love making it a freer, healthier, happier place by sourcing things as local as possible!